Waterford Resources

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Waterford Upstart and the What Works Clearinghouse What is the What Works Clearinghouse? Run by the US Department of Education, the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) catalog categorizes studies of learning programs, following their own educational standards and criteria. These rankings are shared with educators to provide an unbiased indication of

When you read together with your child, there are moments when they suddenly grasp a new skill and smile with joy. Just then you may wonder, “What is going on inside their mind when they learn?” Researchers in neuroscience and education have been asking that same question for decades! All

Creative writing has many benefits for kids. They learn to appreciate how stories work, they hear the wonderful way sounds can match with rhymes, and their love of reading grows as they become writers. Some children may be so inspired that they dream of being authors when they grow up!

Reading & Writing

It’s fun to read as a family, and reading with your children is important for their development, but finding books that are just right for your child can be a challenge. Luckily, you can find a variety of free children’s books if you know where to look! In addition to

Ready, set, read! Are you looking for a great event to encourage families and children to get involved with reading? Then get ready for International Children’s Book Day (ICBD), held on April 2, the birthday of classic children’s book author Hans Christian Andersen. This worldwide celebration aims to promote literacy

Did you know that children who read with their families at least three times a week are twice as likely to achieve high reading scores in school? Thankfully, it’s not hard to find free books that your family can read together. In addition to your local library, you can find

Classroom Activities

On November 8th 2019, we will celebrate National STEM Day to get kids excited about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Together the STEM subjects represent some of the fastest-growing and most in-demand fields in the United States. While STEM topics seem a natural fit in high schools and post-secondary

The longest day of the year is nearly upon us! It is known as the summer solstice, and it marks the first official day of the summer season in our part of the world. This year, the summer solstice is on Friday, June 21, and it’s a great time to

Summer is a time for ice cream, swimming pools, playing outside, and traveling with the family. While summer break is crucial for children to recharge for the next school year, it’s also important for parents to help keep their kids’ minds active. The “summer slide,” or summer learning loss, occurs

Holidays & Observances

Ready, set, read! Are you looking for a great event to encourage families and children to get involved with reading? Then get ready for International Children’s Book Day (ICBD), held on April 2, the birthday of classic children’s book author Hans Christian Andersen. This worldwide celebration aims to promote literacy

18 Books and Activities to Celebrate Women’s History Month for Kids Astronauts like Mae Jemison, artists like Frida Kahlo, and leaders like Sonia Sotomayor changed history with their contributions. Activists like Rosa Parks and Malala Yousafzai stood up for justice and equal access to education for all. The world is

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Stories can mirror a child’s experience to let them know they are not alone and offer them a window into the lives of others. Both are essential for building the social-emotional (or mindset) skills that lead to positive mental health outcomes like healthy executive

Professional Development